Check out this entertaining and thorough look at the collaboration craze, in the 6/20 issue of Business Week. Covers almost everything we've been obsessing about here at Eastwick, from group blogs and wikis, to smart mobs, dumb mobs and the "wisdom of crowds." Things are going to get even more interesting in the enterprise, as businesses learn to integrate new media tools into existing knowledge-management systems (so predicts Gartner).
What's driving all this togetherness? More than anything, an emerging generation of Net technologies. They include file-sharing, blogs, group-edited sites called wikis, and social networking services such as MySpace and Meetup Inc., which has helped everyone from Howard Deaniacs to English bulldog owners in New York form local groups. Those technologies are finally teasing out the Net's unique potential in a way that neither e-mail nor traditional Web sites did. The Net can, like no other medium, connect many people with many others at the same time.