Terrific article about Yahoo! today in The San Jose Mercury News about the search giant's new "social media research lab" at UC Berkeley. Professor Marc Davis is incubating a number of experiments in the converging mix of new media technologies. Not only is this a great idea -- the only way to advance learning in this market is through collaboration -- but it is great positioning for Yahoo! in the search war. Yahoo! continues to outclass its rivals with socially-sensitive, ecosystem-sensitive approaches to growing its business. First it was the world of publishing, where Yahoo! and a few others (including our client Groxis, which made the first move) have taken early steps to exploring ways for publishers to compete in the post-search world. Now Yahoo! aims to teach the masses about the convergence of social media, which has the promise of helping businesses and consumers participate more effectively in the post-search world. We're really enjoying this story as it continues to unfold, and have begun laying down the foundation of a mini-lab of our own. Stay tuned.