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  • Barbara Bates
  • Becky Quinlan
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  • Juan de León
  • Katie Hallen
  • Mimi Harris
  • Rachel Lepold
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Tom Foremski

I think you've laid things out well. And I think the answer to the future of PR is in the term "communications professional" it is in helping people and organizations tell their stories in a compelling and truthful way. A lot of the loss of self-esteem that is prevalent within the PR community will go away if that kind of approach is adopted, imho.


Your article was very interesting and thought provoking. It's something we've been battling all the time. And in a nascent PR consulting market like ours (India), you can imagine what it is like.

I happen to be one who actually CHOSE to be in PR (as I couldn't decide whether to become a journalist, an advertising copywriter or a marketing/brand manager). PR gives me the scope to do all three!

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