
the group

  • Andrea Cousens
  • Barbara Bates
  • Becky Quinlan
  • Elaine Cummings
  • Joel Postman
  • Juan de León
  • Katie Hallen
  • Mimi Harris
  • Rachel Lepold
  • Rachel Shelton
  • Stuart Froman

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>will Web 2.0’s forgotten step-brother—the message board—be on its way out?

Nope. :)

Message boards are communities containing vast amounts of knowledge and providing often essential services to their members. They cannot be compared to or replaced by blogs, which are a different thing, or any other web2.0 invention currently existing.

BoardTracker aims to bring the best aspects of web2.0 (and beyond!) to the boards to help ensure they will always be as relevant today and in the future as they have always been and to bring the whole 'boardscape' to the new web2.0 generation of internet users who may not yet have discovered it.

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