This is the thirtieth installment in "33 Wikis," a close look at best practices in wiki-based collaboration. Each day -- for 33 days -- we look at one wiki and briefly describe what the wiki is for, why we like it, and what we all can learn from it. If you want to nominate a wiki, please let us know. On day 34 we will post a public wiki featuring info on all nominees.
What this wiki is for: Les Wikis is a bilingual wiki devoted to educating general audiences on all things wiki. With this broad focus, the wiki reads somewhat like a zine, with news, features and interviews with people in the wiki business. Still, one might ask -- how vibrant is the French wiki scene? Check this out.
Why we like it: With a version in French and another in English (the new lingua franca), Les Wikis can reach out to a broad European audience, and it appears to have done so. We are also impressed that "Les Wikis" originated as an online companion to a book ("Wikis: Zone of Collective Intelligence.") In its current, collaborative form, the project is better suited to the "Les Wikis" mission -- "tout sur les wikis."
What we all can learn from it: The evolution of this site -- from book to wiki -- might inspire others to think of ways to extend the life of a publishing project. If that means turning more books into wiki-based zines, we may someday see a new wave of innovation in publishing.