T his is the twenty-first installment in "33 Wikis," a close look at best practices in wiki-based collaboration. Each day -- for 33 days -- we look at one wiki and briefly describe what the wiki is for, why we like it, and what we all can learn from it. If you want to nominate a wiki, please let us know. On day 34 we will post a public wiki featuring info on all nominees.
What this wiki is about: wikiXbox360 is a collaborative site for fans of the Xbox platform. From the about page: "wikiXbox360 brings together gamers who share a passion for gaming and the Xbox 360. This site is a communal dashboard that enables like-minded gamers to connect, share, and build a knowledge base from their individual experiences, expertise, and perspectives -- a community by gamers for gamers."
What we like about it: We spoke a few days ago about ProductWiki, the first wiki-based product catalog. wikiXbox360 points the way where many product manufacturers may go: the creation of their own product communities, driven largely by the passion of their fans. The look-and-feel, and special features -- like "watch this page" -- seem to suit the audience.
What we all can learn from it: As we said above, wikiXbox360 might pave the way for other product-fan sites. The big question: do you have a product that has a community of users/fans who care so much that they need to speak with one another? There have got to be lots of companies who'd answer yes to that question -- for a few examples, take a look at the excellent Brand Hijack, by Alex Wipperfurth. Another takeaway: the snazzy look and special features demonstrate the adaptability of wikis (a theme that has been building in this series over the last few days). That will matter to companies who are focused on their brands, even those that are willing to allow their customers to create their brands (again, see Brand Hijack).