With IE 7, Green Means Go for Legit Sites
Starting early next year, the address bar in Internet Explorer 7 will turn green when surfing to a legitimate Web site--but only in some cases, not all.
Sun Pours out Java Cup
To those long-suffering open-source developers who have been waiting for years to venture unencumbered into Java code and tweak it to their heart's content, Sun Microsystems has three things to say: G, P and L.
Motorola Gets Good
By buying Good Technology, Motorola, the handset maker, is seeking a foothold in the mobile messaging market dominated by rivals RIM and Palm.
Google Gives Hosted Apps Suite a 'Start' Page
Google’s Apps for Your Domain has a new component: an entry webpage that organizations can use as a central point for users to access this suite of hosted applications.
IBM Again Heads List of Fastest Computers
The company's famous Blue Gene/L, at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, again topped the list of 500 of the world's fastest supercomputers.
Eclipse Moves on Device Software Development
The Eclipse Foundation has announced three milestone releases as part of its Eclipse Device Software Development Platform (DSDP), which is intended to provide a standards-based development platform for building software for devices.